Tuesday 6 December 2016

Tuesday‘s Assignment

Here are your tasks:

  1. Watch this video from 1:46 - 2:34 without CC.
    1. Check off the words you hear: donut, friends, Joe, moo, pollis, selling, tennis, women.
  2. Check your finding with 2 partners.
In no more than 50 words, write on how families, society, and the police respond to domestic or gendered violence in another country as compared to Canada. Then write a sentence on how you feel as a newcomer to Canada.

   In today's China, Some women who suffers domestic violence will endure in silence, not to inform anyone.Most of the women will seek assistance from their companies, social groups,and legal departments.Generally,the police is not involved.

  As a new newcomer comes to Canada,here is great respect for women. Many social institutions will be selfless to help women victims of domestic violence. Once in happen,the police will immediately detention men,then wait for the court decision.

1 comment:

  1. A nice writeup, which we can edit using the checklist!
    Don't forget the first part. :)
